Social Media Toolkits

We are proud to share these free and easy to use social media toolkits. Each campaign toolkit includes the post order, language, images, and hashtags. 

We would love it if you tagged us in the posts so we can engage with you!

Natural Highs Toolkit

This social media campaign, “What’s Your Natural High?” was created by teens for teens and promotes substance free activities that make you feel good. Download the campaign toolkit which includes the post order, language, images, and hashtags.

Download here, or visit TCADR for more information!

#KnowTheFacts – Marijuana Legalization Campaign

New Jersey has passed laws allowing for recreational use of marijuana, but what does the legalization of marijuana really mean? Governor Murphy outlined specific rules regarding use and possession. This social media campaign, “#KnowTheFacts” was created by teens for teens and educates about New Jersey’s recreational marijuana law. Download the campaign toolkit for the post order, language, images, and hashtag

Download here, or visit TCADR for more information!

Good Samaritan Law Campaign

This social media campaign, “Good Samaritan” was created by teens for teens to educate about what the Good Samaritan law is and how it works. Download the campaign toolkit which includes the post order, language, images, and hashtags. 

Download here, or visit TCADR for more information!

Youth Mental Health & Salúd Mental Juvenil

This social media campaign, “#Papaya -Youth Mental Health” was created by teens for teens to help understand mental health, know where to get help, and know they are not alone. Download the campaign toolkit which includes the post order, language, images, and hashtags. There is both an English and a Spanish version.

Download English or Spanish, or visit TCADR (Spanish) for more information!
